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No Apologies aims at:

  • Building a teen’s character in the teen years to enable him/her to make the right decisions in regards to their future and relationships, and avoid having to provide too many apologies.
  • Ensuring that teens are encouraged to make the right decisions when it comes to the what they see and hear in the media to help them form a future with no apologies.
  • To encourage teens to build healthy relationships with their peers of both genders, and to place healthy boundaries that ensure true freedom in their social lives.
  • Emphasizing that sex encompasses all the facets of one’s character: the physical, psychological, social, ethical, and emotional. That is why maturity in each of these areas, and not merely the physical aspect, is crucial for a successful sexual relationship within the confines of a committed marriage between one man and one woman.
  • Emphasizing that abstaining from all forms of sexual activity outside the confines of marriage has social, emotional, and health benefits. Sexual activity outside the confines of marriage is risky and poses multiple threats to all the aspects of one’s character.


Program Overview:

1.   Who Am I?

This unit sets character as the foundation of the entire program, and emphasizes the value of the individual and the importance of healthy character for building healthy relationships and a future with no apologies.

2.   The Media and You

This unit addresses the impact that media has on youth, and especially as it relates to their perception and attitudes towards love, sex, drugs, and violence. It also provides practical advice to help teens filter the media’s messages and discern what is and is not appropriate. The dangers of porn are also addressed, in addition to the value of abstaining from all forms of pornographic material.

3.   Healthy Relationships and Boundaries

This unit addresses the importance of friends in the lives of teens, and encourages them to be leaders rather than followers. It also helps teenagers understand that setting emotional and physical boundaries bring true freedom, and are necessary for developing healthy relationships.

4.   Choices and Consequences

Teens learn that their behavioral choices have consequences and especially that premarital sexual activity has emotional, social, and physical consequences. Teens also learn that abstinence- and not safe sex- is the only way to ensure a life with no apologies, and that marriage is worth waiting for.

Abstinence Pledge

At the end of the program, youth are invited to bring together all the information they have been taught in the form of committing to abstinence and purity. The commitment includes abstaining from all high risk behaviors such as premarital sexual activity, drugs and alcohol, and pornography.